the tittle of the blog came about as randomly, as the rain that day,with every drop on the windscreen the vision got blurred,and in an instant it became a metaphor for life!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Let us citizens of India and Pakistan dare...
Take steps to come close and share...

Let the world sit up and take notice...
The bond though dormant:is still alive n there...

Why wait till the doomsday comes and stares us in the eye...
How nice it would be ,if with time on our hands,we realize;
Join hands and give it a fitting reply...

I am a Sikh with roots in Pakistan ,you maybe a Muslim with seeds sown in India...
But perhaps its time for us to realize,humanity is by what we both imbibe...
And it knows no names : Pakistan or India for it; is all the same...

For all the wars that we have fought..
Its high time we gave peace a shot...

If the heart wills, how difficult would it be; for the eyes to meet and gleam..
If the heart wills, how difficult would it be; for the smiles to reciprocate and radiate...
If the heart wills, how difficult would it be; for the hands to move,stretch and embrace...

Lets make our hearts will, and ordain miracles to happen!!

1 comment:

jazzlamb said...

Ah, touchy subject. heehee. And you manage to put it forth so well!
Request- Avoid sms language. Use MS word for penning it down:D