the tittle of the blog came about as randomly, as the rain that day,with every drop on the windscreen the vision got blurred,and in an instant it became a metaphor for life!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lonely..and not liking it!

Its a day i am feeling lonely!! Its one of those days..that most of us go through ,experience ,grapple and with a temeritous effort come out of; its an interplay of emotionry bonds ,that we all are bound by.

Sitting in my office with little work to attend to, much to think about and wanting not to think at mind to me: seems to be the antithesis to my heart.Perhaps life is living up to an old adage.."life is a bitch "and today its seeming to be every bit of it and more.

There is a dense fog which has engulfed the city, on this very cold January Monday, but a far condescend smog seems to have encapsulated the very soul of me today.there is nothing and no one in sight to help abate the emptiness,that i am sinking into.

Friends on certain days ,the mind becomes so ambivalent to the course that the heart ought to take, that it meekly surrenders to the whims of the impetuous heart, that almost all of us carry within us.

On days such as to me seems to appear in rags and pieces , pieces of it that i have so blatantly ignored; parts of it so knowingly not accepted.the utter formlessness of life scares me,the infirmity more evident and striking than it ever was.

At times the intricacies inherent in our character ,make themselves more palpable, and in a way obfuscate the very basic and unambiguous aspects of our lives.

Not to be read with a muzzy approach , there is a reason for me to write this today; Its a reason i cannot write about , cannot talk about , but still the predicament needs to be penned :in hope of being felt ,related and understood by countless of us who have in time been in this preposterous position , once or many a times .

As many a metaphors , i may heap and stack , to express what i am going through ,but still cannot with certainty say, what is the reason and why is it hurting sooo much .

Perhaps i am missing someone,or missing a beat ,desperately want to smile again , be the chirpy self once again and love what life has to offer once again..

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Let us citizens of India and Pakistan dare...
Take steps to come close and share...

Let the world sit up and take notice...
The bond though dormant:is still alive n there...

Why wait till the doomsday comes and stares us in the eye...
How nice it would be ,if with time on our hands,we realize;
Join hands and give it a fitting reply...

I am a Sikh with roots in Pakistan ,you maybe a Muslim with seeds sown in India...
But perhaps its time for us to realize,humanity is by what we both imbibe...
And it knows no names : Pakistan or India for it; is all the same...

For all the wars that we have fought..
Its high time we gave peace a shot...

If the heart wills, how difficult would it be; for the eyes to meet and gleam..
If the heart wills, how difficult would it be; for the smiles to reciprocate and radiate...
If the heart wills, how difficult would it be; for the hands to move,stretch and embrace...

Lets make our hearts will, and ordain miracles to happen!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Even if its not snow

As the mercury dips and the sun slips....

The freezing wind blows n it seems so utterly cold....

The dew falls as if it were snow..

The olfactory senses get cramped;n one says oh.oh.ohh....

Hardly any birds fly n still fewer people ply....

The fog casts its veil n the vehicles halt n screitch....

Mufler around my neck....

Caps, sweater, Jeans, Shoes..and i am set....

The car is there to drive, but i say the bike is the perfect ride....

Today i want to flyyyy..and leave the others to just plyyy....

Just dew.., havnt ever felt snow....

Its the nearest to it ;i am quite sure....

The sunless day and the stinging breeze wid dew in tow....

Ridding the bike i shiver and bow....

As i tuck and bow, i smile and glow....

For i realize : I am happy even if its not snow!!